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Committed to the Cause


Jason & Lauren Winningham


Jason and Lauren are founding members of Southern Oregon Axe of Kindness. Both grew up in the Rogue Valley and have deep roots in the community. Service has always been an important part of their lives, and they have tried to instill this value in their children as well. Both value connection and want to see more of it in Southern Oregon: connection to a local church body, and, ultimately, to Jesus.


Kelly & Rose Hillburn


Kelly and Rose Hillburn are founding members of Southern Oregon Axe of Kindness. They have been in the Rogue Valley since 2005 and  have always had a heart to help others. Ultimately, they want to show people the love of Jesus.

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Tim and Brenda Caswell


Tim and Brenda Casewll are founding member of Southern Oregon Axe of Kindness. Brenda's life of service began when she and her first husband Scott moved their family to Africa to serve in the support of orphans and the many people impacted by HIV/AIDS and regional warfare. After Scott was in a fatal car accident, Brenda moved her family back to the states. Fast forward to today, Brenda is married to the love of her life Tim, who has been in the Rogue Valley since the age of three. Together they work in real estate and serve in the opportunities that God places before them. 

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